When Yasmin, our excellent office manager, asked Beverley Johnson a year ago if she could have a dachshund puppy in the office, Beverley said yes without hesitation. She knew Yasmin was an extremely reliable and responsible member of staff, and after all, how much difference could a puppy make?

Once Elvis – the cutest and maddest puppy – arrived in the office, we all wondered what on earth we had done! There were chewed shoes, shredded papers, numerous “accidents” and persistent barking when Yasmin left the room or when someone walked past the window. However, a year later we don’t know where we would be without our Morale Officer and he’s now an invaluable member of our team.

What we have really noticed is that Elvis encourages a wellbeing improvement in the office. His wee face brings a smile to anyone who comes into the office and he’s always keen to be patted or to play. His antics make us all laugh, even if we are chasing him about trying to recover whatever he has managed to nab from an unsuspecting handbag or bin! He’s a good excuse to walk away from the computer and get some fresh air and he’s also an amazing ice breaker for new clients who are often apprehensive when they first come to our office to discuss difficult and personal details of their lives. The comfort that can be gained from the attention of a little dog is not to be under-estimated.

Elvis is confident that every visitor to the office has come specially to see him, so if you are passing the Johnson Legal office please do drop in! He always welcomes someone who will make a fuss of him or will play with his (extremely chewed) toys!